Our Values

At The Coppice Academy we are always looking for opportunities to extend and develop our children's cultural capital. Character Education is also weaved through every aspect of the curriculum at all levels and identified throughout the ASPIRE curriculum.  When planning our timetable this is always a consideration and we take up lots of opportunities that will give our children exciting experiences. Trips, residential and visitors into school are also ways we develop our children's experience. We have also developed a ‘Trips in the local area’ document for families to use - this is a list full of great places to visit - please click here.

  • We pride ourselves on our commitment to create rounded individuals, not just students who do well in academic progress but students who are socially conscious and have a strong understanding of the world around them and their place within it.
  • Students Cultural Capital is designed to open up students’ minds to possibilities. What does a successful life look like? What else is out there to help me become a good citizen? And am I experiencing all there is to offer in society?
  • In years 7-10 all students get to experience two external visits specifically designed to give them cultural experiences that they may not have either experienced before or are unlikely to experience in the near future. Year 11 students have one external visit.
  • All experiences are subsidized or paid for by the school – this includes ticket prices and travel expenses. No child should experience less than others because of their financial circumstances.
  • Cultural Capital is vital at The Coppice to show students what life chances they can aspire to. It also provides them with a chance to adapt to different environments and broaden their aspirations, build their social awareness skills and also feel rewarded for the efforts they put in whilst at school. It also fully compliments our curriculums at KS3 and KS4 and enables students to make links between their school work and their lives.